BK CNY Wa-Seh Special
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WholeLife Northeast Naturally Cultivated Black Fungus 100g
Northeastern black fungus is not just a tasty food, it's a healthy treasure that nurtures both body and mind. It's rich in nutrients, picked fresh for quality assurance, naturally organic...
Great Ocean Red Kuaci 400g
RM 19.00
产品名称:原味红瓜子 重量:400g 原产地:中国 红瓜子以其片大厚实、籽仁肥腴、色泽红润、鲜艳喜人而蜚声海外。由于红瓜子种植受气候、水土及栽培技术等方面原因的局限,贺州、道州红瓜子,南国独一绝,被誉为独一无二的土特产品。 其富含蛋白质、脂肪及钙、磷和多种维生素,含油率达55%左右,营养极为丰富。经精细加工或咸或甜或五香,乃干货上乘佳品。因其红艳,寓"福星降临"之意;因其籽多,含"人丁兴旺"之喜,是馈宾友的佳品。